Foundation awards 2012

WVC Foundation will honor community leader and local arts organization at concert

The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation will present the annual Harvey Award and Outstanding Friend of the College Award at the second annual Art of Music concert at the Performing Arts Center of Wenatchee on Sunday, March 25. Community leader and WVC Board of Trustees member, Phil Rasmussen, will receive the annual Harvey award. The Outstanding Friend of the College award will be presented to the Icicle Fund and accepted by founder Harriet Bullitt and board president Lisa Bergman.

Rasmussen embodies the spirit of the Harvey Award by serving as an active voice in the community and engaging the college in community activities. A long-time community member, he retired from Alcoa in 2003 after 36 years of service. He served on the WVC Foundation board for eight years, including serving as board president from 2002-2004, and was active on the “Nurses for Tomorrow” campaign steering committee. He is currently serving a five-year term on the WVC Board of Trustees, as appointed by Gov. Christine Gregoire.

“It has been a pleasure and an honor to be associated with an administration, faculty, staff and foundation board that accomplish so much for education in our region,” Rasmussen said.

The Icicle Fund will be honored as Outstanding Friend of the College for their significant contribution to the new Center for Music and Art campaign. Their lead gift of $1 million helped WVC secure state funding for the project and demonstrated the community’s continued commitment to art and music education in the valley.

“It takes an outstanding institution to have outstanding friends, and we are very proud to be one of them,” said Bergman. “A key element in the Icicle Fund’s mission is to advance the arts and this will be greatly amplified by the college’s new Center for Music and Art. We are honored to be working shoulder to shoulder with an institution of this caliber and vision for the arts, and to witness the college’s achievements and impact throughout our communities.”

In addition to the awards presentation, the Art of Music concert will feature musical performances, an art exhibit and silent auction. Tickets are $25 per person and can be purchased at the box office, online at or by calling 509.663.ARTS (2787). All proceeds will go toward support for student scholarships and programs at WVC.
